Thursday, March 4, 2010

buenos dias

hey, salmon colored font! awesome!

anywho... i've tried multiple times before to make this blog constant and entertaining... but i'm afraid i've failed at both :(... so i will put in another effort! i mean.... how much does it take to keep up a blog anyways? lolz

anywho... again lolz... hello world! happy 2010! seeing as how i haven't written a post in almost a year :| shame! I thought i'd choose today to write a post because it seems to be a good day so far... and I didn't have much else to do but work on my KS level (which i will share w/u folks later).

so i was up bright and early... had my first test in my computer hardware/maintenance class... aced that bad boy ;)... took myself for some pho afterwards (which i know i should work on, apparently rewarding yourself with tasty foods doesn't help you lose weight! hmmph, go figure!) then made it home just in time to catch the UPS man! which was what i was really looking forward to today... because i was getting/got theeese:
they were on sale at the Forever 21 website for 11.99! yes... 12 bucks! which obviously with shipping makes them regular priced shoes... but i knew they didnt exist at that price in any store i could get to... so it was a good deal imo... i think they're haut, comfy, and pretty darn stylish :) so that made me really happy when i got them so promptly today... hopefully i'll find something cute to wear them with for my birfday weekend =D

since its almost been a year since my last post i suppose i should do a mini update... still Iza, still in escuela, still with my bae :) (2 years this may! woot), and i can't say much else has changed... lolz now thats what i call a MINI update.

now for a nerdy guilty pleasure i have... it's this game called Knytt Stories...

it's an itty bitty platformer that has a strong cult following because aside from the levels created by the great Nifflas that are included in the initial download there is also a level editor included which has allowed for so many great levels to be made and many more made every day... enough fan worship lolz... i started playing Knytt Stories about a year ago... and just recently i decided to create my own epic level ;) so that's what a nice pie chart slice of my time is spent on now also.

That's about all i have for now... i'd also like to mention and give a shout out to this restaurant called Boiling Crab that i'm gonna be having my actual birthday dinner at... they have amazing seafood!

well i'm outtie 5000 for now... gonna see if i can spiffy up this ugly ass blog real quick lolz


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